
Technicolor Living - And some changes are a-coming!

Technicolor Living – And some changes are a-coming!

Technicolor Living was on my mind this morning as I woke up on a dull, rainy morning here in the UK after a night of technicolor dreams. What does Techicolor Living mean? It means living in FULL EXPRESSION of yourself; who you…

Life Happens For You

Life Happens For You

I was speaking to a follow entrepreneurial super-woman in Miami the other day (I still marvel at how uber-connected we are these days) and we were talking about our work, our mission and how we help people. My friend is…

Who is to blame for your unhappiness?

Who is to blame for your unhappiness?

Who is responsible for your unhappiness? I used to look to other people for my happiness and blame them for my unhappiness. So empowering, right?! I didn’t see the big picture or even KNOW that I was responsible for how…

Are you a deliberate designer?

Are you a deliberate designer?

You are the deliberate designer of your life, whether you realise it or not. It’s is possible, and in fact, it’s absolutely crazy not to, take control of how your life goes, how it’s designed, what it looks like, how…

Don't live someone else's journey

Don’t live someone else’s journey

Whatever your path in life is and whatever plans you have, it’s important, very important, not to live someone else’s journey. What do I mean? When we strike out and do something, make our own decisions, create our OWN lives, OTHER…