I had a crazy dream last night where I was transported back to the apartment I used to live in my 20s. Everything looked the same as I remembered it and even my 3 cats where there. I lived there when doing the 9-5 job that sucked the soul out of me. I remember when the alarm went off every week day the first thought I had was, ‘Oh, shit’ and I’d feel a horrible sinking feeling in my stomach. All the signs were there that my life wasn’t as it should be. Little did I know that just a couple of years later I’d be bed ridden with depression.
Talk about a life of limits! My world shrunk until one day when I just couldn’t take living that way anymore and I made my brake for FREEDOM without any plan. I left my job there and then. I didn’t care what happened in the future as long as I wasn’t selling my soul for a wage doing something that didn’t fill me with joy.
I’ve never looked back! And as the years have passed and I began my life of freedom and following my passions and creating businesses and living life on MY TERMS, I’ve said YES to me and I make every day a No Limits day. To HELL with living my life how anyone else thinks I should!
I want you to say YES to you! If there is ANY part of your life and your work that you aren’t 100% happy with and excited about – get rid of it! It’s totally possible. You just have to make the decision to live a no limits life.
I had to go through those years so I can make the impact on people’s lives that I do now. It’s my mission to help, support, guide, lead freedom seekers and daring entrepreneurs in going full out in living the life they want and STOP spending even another MINUTE living a life that’s WRONG!
That’s why I’ve just launched my No Limits Mastermind. If you KNOW that taking action is going to unlock your goals, and you are ready to stop waiting and START CREATING YOUR OPPORTUNITIES then get ready! Join my NO LIMITS Mastermind and SHOW UP in your life and work!