Q&A – What gets me up in the morning

Q&A - What gets me up in the morning

I held a Q&A over on my Facebook group for Rebel Business Bitches – not a member? Join now!

A Rebel asked…

“What gets you up in the morning?”

How or why do any of us keep getting up in the morning?!

Tune in for my answer here!


Then come and spend the day with me in Birmingham THIS WEEK!

Q&A - What gets me up in the morning

I’m opening up ONE place for a super-intensive, up-levellingSUCCESS IGNITION day in BIRMINGHAM next week!

We are going to light a fire in your life so big they will see it from the moon!

It’s time to ignite your success and CLAIM the freedom, the life, the lifestyle AND the money that you want and it starts right NOW!

Friday 15th April
Saturday 16th April 

I’ll show you how to step up and CLAIM the life and SUCCESS that you want.

We will get down to details tailored around YOUR goals and ambitions, and we will get practical when it comes to making money, personal branding, your perfect clients, marketing Brand You and how to set it up so you ALLOW SUCCESS TO FLOW instead of you CHASING IT!

Get ALL the info here on IGNITING your success on this life changing day with me!


Laptop life update! 


I slept really well back in my own bed (though I have been really lucky that the beds I have been sleeping in for the last 6 weeks have all been SO comfy!).

I’m not too sure about how I’m feeling about being back home surrounded by the familiar. It was nice to see my apartment again; it’s small but perfect for me. And I was excited about all the books I had ordered whilst I was away; I had forgotten what I’d ordered so opening the packages was like a surprise!

Q&A - What gets me up in the morning

Waking up this morning I feel a bit indifferent about being home and more excited about changing someone’s life on my Success Ignition day (see above) and then continuing my laptop life on Sunday with 2 weeks in London!

It’s strange how one’s feelings can change overnight; yesterday I was excited about coming home and now I’m home I’m excited about leaving it again! I’m feeling very grateful that I have the freedom to up and leave and change my scene when I feel like it.

Have a fabulous week!

Q&A - What gets me up in the morning


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karen strunksABOUT Karen Strunks is a speaker and author and helps daring, rebellious, non-conforming women create a No Compromise life and business doing exactly what they love.

She left her ‘cubicle cage’ and made a break for freedom to follow her passions. Today she is empowering women to step away from the norm, break the rules and follow their passions.

Her work has been featured in print, TV and radio such as The Guardian, BBC, Radio 4, Time Out NYC, The Telegraph, BBC Radio Wales, and she has worked with national and international brands.

Karen regularly speaks at conferences and lectures at universities on entrepreneurship, and about her story of leaving the 9-5 to pursue a life less ordinary. Come and join Karen's FREE community on Facebook; Rebel Business Bitches and pick up a FREE gift to help you create the life you want. YOUR way. Website | Twitter | Youtube | Facebook

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