Whoohooooooo!! I’m super freaking excited that you are ready to ready to raise your rates and elevate your business and life! This is a power packed programme.
Put the date and time in your diary and join me LIVE on the call!
Here are all the details you need.
Title: Cash Confidence – Raise Your Rates!
Time: Thursday, March 10th at 12:00pm GMT/UTC
Listening method: Phone + Web Simulcast
To attend, visit:
Are you a REBEL BUSINESS BITCH ready to do life and work on YOUR TERMS?! Then come on over to my Facebook group. I’m in there every day giving motivation, inspiration and I’m there to answer any questions you have on your journey of DOMINATION!
Or are you ready to create your NO LIMITS LIFE AND BUSINESS?
Then join my NO LIMITS MASTERMIND today and let me help you!
Karen xx
Say Hi on Twitter @karenstrunks or Facebook! 🙂 xx