
The biggest deal you will ever make

The biggest deal you will ever make

The biggest deal you are ever going to make in your entrepreneurial journey is a deal with yourself to never, ever back down, or turn around or give up. Fear needs to be faced head on and challenged. Doubt needs…

Why your goals ain't gonna happen

Why your goals ain’t gonna happen

I’m sick of seeing people give up on their goals before they’ve even tried. I want to SHAKE people. Really. ‘I’ve tried’, they say. YOU HAVEN’T EVENT STARTED! Here’s why your goals ain’t gonna happen. Not taking action? Ain’t gonna…

Aim for the stamp of UN-APPROVAL!

Aim for the stamp of UN-APPROVAL!

Aim for the stamp of UN-APPROVAL! Stop waiting for permission. Stop waiting for approval. Stop caring what the world will think. Stop keeping yourself in a cage of your own making. Stop holding back from saying what you think. Stop…