
Are you choosing your pension over you passion?!

Are you choosing your pension over you passion?!

Do you know how many hours a hunter/gather used to work every week on average? 17. 17 hours of hunting and gathering. In the wild. In nature. WE ‘hunt and gather’ in cubicles. For 40+ hours a week. Under artificial…

BIG Question

BIG Question

If you had a billion ways to live your life, would you choose the life you have now? The reality is that every day you have the chance to change the direction of your life to one of your choosing….

Are you a deliberate designer?

Are you a deliberate designer?

You are the deliberate designer of your life, whether you realise it or not. It’s is possible, and in fact, it’s absolutely crazy not to, take control of how your life goes, how it’s designed, what it looks like, how…

Is this the reason for your depression?

Is this the reason for your depression?

There is so much depression in the world. Who doesn’t know someone who is suffering from depression? Perhaps you are suffering from it yourself. There can be many triggers for depression, and often it’s a case of us trying to fit…

The breakdown before the break-through

The breakdown before the break-through

I just wanted to touch base as I feel I’ve been out of touch for a while and I hate letting the connection drop but I’ve gotta be honest with you, I’ve not felt quite myself for the last week…