
You are who you say you are

You are who you say you are

You are whatever you say you are…. And THAT’S the truth. What are you telling yourself you are? I’m broke. I’m not good enough. I can’t. I’m not strong enough. I’m useless. Etc. Who you are and who you become…

I found FREEDOM at the car wash

I found FREEDOM at the car wash

Today I’m about to hit the road for the next 5 weeks (at least!). My car is packed to the hilt with everything I want to bring with me (which included the kitchen sink!) as I start a house/petting/laptop life…

10 Powerful Ways To Create A Life Of FREEDOM

10 Powerful Ways To Create A Life Of FREEDOM

Happy Monday! As is my habit on Sunday nights, I usually can’t get to sleep because I am so excited about Monday and the brand new week. As I looked at my diary for this week, I was just so…

The levels of FREEDOM

The levels of FREEDOM

What does FREEDOM mean to you? What does it look like? There are certainly different ‘levels’ of freedom and like any success, you naturally want to get to the next level. My 10th anniversary of making money from my passions…

Why I'm thankful for the hard times

Why I’m thankful for the hard times

There’s a bit of a debate going on over at my Facebook group for Rebel Business Bitches (join in). I asked whether greatness can be achieved without sacrifice. I believe you have to be willing to put your life on the line…