Quit The BS

Quit The BS

Let’s get straight into this.

It’s time to OPT OUT of the BS!

It’s time to quit the ‘friends’, the friendships and relationships that make you feel shit, that drag you down, that don’t RAISE YOU UP. It’s time to quit being on the begging end. If you aren’t a HELL YES to someone, they don’t deserve to be a HELL YES to you! 

It’s time to opt out of being a victim in life when you have created the circumstances you have. Opt IN to taking responsibility for where you are now and then empower yourself with the knowledge that it’s within your control to assert yourself and have the life you want.

It’s time to stop with the BS you tell yourself on a daily and hourly basis; I’m not good enough, no-one likes me, I’ll never be enough, I’ll never have enough, I’m scared, I don’t know how, I’m waiting for the right time, I’ll never be a success so why bother. You wouldn’t accept that kind of talk from your worst enemy – DON’T ACCEPT IT FOR YOURSELF! Your words form your world. 

Opt out of not having enough money and operating from a place of lack and scarcity. It’s all starts with a decision that it is your personal responsibility to have the money that you want and that there is MORE than enough for you to have what you want. Create value – get paid.Ditch the BS money stories you are telling yourself. You get exactly what you belief in, remember.

Change your beliefs and you will change your life.

Let’s SLAY YOUR BULLSHIT! Get on the phone with me and I will slay the BS you are telling yourself, empower you with new, true, beliefs so you can turn your mindset, actions, results and life around.

I’m opening up this incredible offer because I see all the ways you are BS-ing yourself and how you aren’t living a FREE LIFE because you are tying yourself up with LIES! I want you to CLAIM THE POWER that is within you and unleash that into your life!

So until midnight Friday 27th (tomorrow!) I’m opening up the opportunity to get on the phone/skype with me for a 60 minute BULLSHIT SLAYING, no holds barred session. 

How it works. 

1. You pay for your session here. It’s £90. You are able to nab is offer until midnight Fri 27th.

2. Email me: karenstrunks@gmail.com Tell me your skype ID, or your phone number and we can schedule the call in. We can book it in asap. Today. Tomorrow. Over the weekend or next week. Just get it booked in already!

It’s that simple.

Oh, and if you want on this call with me, and you are telling yourself you can’t for some reason, that’s BS too! All the more reason to get your BS Slaying Session locked in ASAP!

Believe more is possible,

karen sig


pick up your free gift from karen

karen strunksABOUT Karen Strunks is a speaker and author and helps daring, rebellious, non-conforming women create a No Compromise life and business doing exactly what they love.

She left her ‘cubicle cage’ and made a break for freedom to follow her passions. Today she is empowering women to step away from the norm, break the rules and follow their passions.

Her work has been featured in print, TV and radio such as The Guardian, BBC, Radio 4, Time Out NYC, The Telegraph, BBC Radio Wales, and she has worked with national and international brands.

Karen regularly speaks at conferences and lectures at universities on entrepreneurship, and about her story of leaving the 9-5 to pursue a life less ordinary. Come and join Karen's FREE community on Facebook; Rebel Business Bitches and pick up a FREE gift to help you create the life you want. YOUR way. Website | Twitter | Youtube | Facebook

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