Successful Entrepreneurs Understand The Power Of Repetition

Successful Entrepreneurs Understand The Power Of Repetition

The repetitiveness of success…

There are a million actions I’ve taken over the last 12 years in business – at times it feels like a billion.

And whilst each action or decision may differ either slightly or greatly from the one before, there is definitely a repetitiveness to my success and longevity…

It starts with the beginning of each day…

⚡Every day starts with my dreams, goal and ambitions leaping into my mind (keep your eyes on the goal).

⚡ Every day I take a step towards my calling whether I’m feeling scared, bold or doubtful (you can’t always rely on magically being the right mood).

⚡ Every day I choose a road less ordinary. Sometimes I’ll have company along the path, sometimes I don’t (you have to be willing to have times when you feel like it’s you against the world).

⚡ Every day I look to myself for motivation and the drive forwards. Other people may inspire me without a doubt, but they come second. (Draw deep on your own well of inspiration first and foremost).

⚡ Every day I say no (to meet-ups, to ‘catch ups over coffee’, to pretty much anything that takes me away from my goal. (Say NO more than yes).

⚡ Every day I set my goals for the day and if I don’t reach them – or I ‘fail’ – then I get up again the next day and start again. (Accept that you will fail your way to your success)

THAT’S what the last 12 years in business have been like.

That’s the pattern that’s repeated every day.

There will be a pattern to YOUR success too.

Be willing to embrace the repetition that will take you to your success – it will be worth it.

If you want my help in reaching your goals and locking in your success habits, then email me at to apply.

Believe more is possible,

Successful Entrepreneurs Understand The Power Of Repetition

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