Big life changes can happen at any point and often without notice.
That was the case with my spiritual awakening in the summer of 2015. It was a LOT to deal with. I didn’t know what was happening and I was SCARED.
Since then my spiritual journey has continued and it’s no coincidence that it has led me to the heart chakra of the world, Glastonbury. In fact, I’ve just arrived in this special town for Samhain and I’ll be here for around 12 days.
I recently gave a talk at a spiritual festival about my awakening, and I wanted to share it with you today.
A spiritual awakening can be an overwhelming experience for most people so I wanted to share my experience in order to help others with their awakening.
In this video I talk about my journey from the darkness to the light, and I share practical advice on ways to cope with the transition PLUS what your new-found gifts can mean for your life, your purpose and your journey.
PS If you know someone who is going through an awakening feel free to share forward this post or share the video with them x