
Sack Your Clients

Sack Your Clients

You don’t have to work with someone just because they want to work with you, or because they are offering you money. Yes, more money is good to have but NOT from the wrong sources/people. NO amount of money is worth…

Do The Right Thing

Do The Right Thing You’ve probably got a list as long as your arm with all your goals and to-dos on it. I want you to start viewing that list a little differently… And I’m all for keeping track of that kinda stuff,…

You asked, I answered

You asked, I answered I put a shout-out to see what questions you needed an answer to and so I put all your q’s together and made this recording for you. How to get paid in advance? How do I stay so positive?…

What do you want?

What do you want?

Is it too early for a 2015 review?! I don’t want to have to wait to the end of the year! I’m impatient. OK, quick overview. 2015 = Most Awesome. There. I’m so glad to see the new year. I…

Set your money rules. And stick to them!

Set your money rules. And stick to them!

What do you want your money rules to be starting from today? What do you say ‘I wish’ about when it comes to money? I wish my clients would pay me on time. I wish I could charge more. I…