
STOP Worshiping the Brushstrokes:  Look to the Artist Who Made It All

STOP Worshiping the Brushstrokes: Look to the Artist Who Made It All

God—the Creator—offers limitless revelation, profound insight, unshakable confirmation, and boundless support, far beyond anything you could ever dream of or desire. No creation of His, or anything else, nature or man-made, could ever come close to what He offers when…

Rejecting Worldly Expectations: Embrace Your Unique Calling

Rejecting Worldly Expectations: Embrace Your Unique Calling

Reject the ways of the world. Throughout your life, you’ll be bombarded with expectations – from teachers, parents, relatives, media, and society at large. However, there comes a point when you must let it all fall away, shed the opinions…

Embracing Change: Shifting from the Occult to a Life of Faith

Embracing Change: Shifting from the Occult to a Life of Faith

Unexpected changes that have happened since I’ve turned my focus away from the occult and towards God…. ❤️ Instead of seeking answers and confirmation, I am being given the answers and the next steps. ❤️ Doubts and fears are falling…