
NEVER let fear win!

NEVER let fear win!

What a difference 8 months makes! I want to tell you a story about FEAR! Today I announced that I am writing my dominatrix memoirs. If you missed it, you can catch the announcement here. Let me tell you the difference…

Why aren't you where you want to be yet?!

Why aren’t you where you want to be yet?!

I know that there’s more you have inside of you, so why aren’t you where you want to be yet? Are you ignoring your calling? Are you suppressing your needs? Are you scared? Don’t you know HOW to do have what…

1 Day....NOW!

1 Day….NOW!

I woke up this morning in a hazy panic from my deep dream and deep sleep and wondering what I would do if I only had ONE day left on earth! I wondered what my legacy would be. Would I…