
The biggest lie you are telling yourself about life

The biggest lie you are telling yourself about life

We don’t half tell ourselves some disempowering stories. ‘Life is hard. I never get what I want. Success is for other people, not me.  They have something I don’t. I’m not good enough. I don’t know enough.  I’m not ready….

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I used to wake up and want to die

I used to wake up and want to die

Every morning, before I do anything else, I get out my big, red notebook and start writing my morning pages. (If you haven’t heard of this practice, then start doing it asap, it’s life changing and an amazing way to set…

The only true measure of success...

The only true measure of success…

Inspiration can strike at anytime and yesterday I was in the glamorous location of a super-market car park (I take you to all the best places!), but one of the things I’ve build my success on is ACTING on that…