Speaking about social media at the Migrant Voice UK seminar

Speaking about social media at the Migrant Voice UK seminar


Speaking about social media at the Migrant Voice UK seminar

I was invited to join the panel at the Migrant Voices For Change seminar last week, alongside BBC Radio WM presenter Arshia Riaz and Birmingham Mail journalist Paul Fulford.

We were asked to share our views and tips on getting stories into the media.

I spoke about my background, and also my experience and gave recommendations on how I get my own stories out there.

Everything I am involved in is based around social media and photography.

It was by developing a relationship with the Birmingham Mail around 4 years ago that helped to launch my photography career.  I began submitting my photographs and they were included in the readers online gallery. Next I was given my very own gallery. This spurred me on to apply for a weeks work experience where I started to get my work published. I was then able to showcase this work on my own photography website and the rest is history. Since then the Birmingham Post and Mail have featured some of my stories in print and online. I used this as an example of how it’s important to develop and maintain relationships, and of course, have a good story to share!

I advised attendees that they didn’t have to rely solely on the press to get their news out; they can do it themselves! This can be done via having their own, free, online platform to talk, share, discuss and promote whatever is relevant to them and their communities. Not only will they have their own space to publish their news, it’s a place that the press can be directed to.

I don’t rely on the press to share what I’m doing; I simply broadcast my news/views/projects myself and if something does make it into a newspaper/tv/magazine/radio, then I will see that as the cherry on top the cake!

I mentioned some resources that will help people get started on their own news/communities sites:

  • WordPress  – A free blogging platform with as many (or few!) features as you would like.
  • Blogger – Googles simple blogging platform.
  • Talk About Local – I work with tal, and they have some great guides to help get started plus hints and tips for content ideas
  • Social Media Surgeries – If you are a local active citizen or charity or a voluntary/community group, then see if there is a social media surgery near you. Free, hands on advice on getting started with social media.

Many thanks to Migrant Voice for inviting me to their event! 🙂

What Migrant Voice said: Karen’s presentation was engaging and inspiring. 

Say Hello on twitter @karenstrunks


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