Work with me over 14 days and Make Money Your Bitch. I will show you how to become the Mistress Of Money, and put money firmly in it’s place! You CAN break free from the grip off fear around money WITHOUT having to give up on your dreams and goals, and it can be done without losing your sanity! It’s time to conquer money and set yourself FREE so you can get on with building up your life and your business and do what you are here to do!
If you are not making the money you want in your business…then make money your bitch.
If you are overwhelmed with fear and insecurity…then make money your bitch.
If you are (INTERVENTION!) thinking of giving it all up…then make money your bitch.
Over 14 days I’m going to show you…
- How to pursue your goals and build your business regardless of your fears around money
- How to stop hiding away when you are scared and take empowering action instead
- How to develop the attitude you need to sustain you through the hard times
- How to get a handle on your debts so they don’t rule your life
- How to identify and then smash through any money blocks
- How to make sure your prices match your worth and then get paid
- How you make money in your business. The No Compromise Way.
During my 9 years in running my own businesses I’ve been there when it comes to hard times. God, have I been there! How about the time when red bills were flying in and the mortgage due and I had ZERO (ok, well, 84p actually!) in the bank. Even through my utter fear that day I took a screen shot as I just KNEW it was one of those life-changing moment. I swore that NEVER again would I get into that position.
Or, THE IRONY of not being able to afford a 1p second hand book about ABUNDANCE. I laughed then as much as I laugh about it now. Even with nothing in the bank, you don’t totally lose your sense of humour!
And I’ve got a lot more stories like these to share with you!
- I know what it takes to deal with cold fear around money.
- I know what it’s like to wonder if you are crazy and if it’s all worth it.
- I know what it’s like to wake up and dread that today is going to be another day where money doesn’t come in.
I know what it takes to turn your mindset and actions around and then TURN YOUR BUSINESS AROUND and I can show you how.
This is my NO FEAR way to get back on TOP! This money stuff can feel so scary and so isolating but I’ve learnt it DOESN’T have to be that way. You aren’t alone. I’ve been there and I’m here to help. It really is possible to get out of the red and making money.
How the money magic will happen
Starting 17th June your Make Money Your Bitch training will hit your inbox in the form of audio/video/text.
EVERY WEEK there will also be a LIVE training call with a Q&A so you can ask me anything and hit me with any questions you have. Don’t worry if you can’t make it live. I’ll send you the recording.
The cost
I know what it’s like to want something so badly but only to find it WAY out of my league price-wise, so I’m making it a Hell Yes, I Want To Make Money MY Bitch price of ONLY $77!
About Me:
From a member of the rat race to breaking FREE to follow my dream; now I'm a business and life coach leading non-conformists and rebels and helping them stick two fingers up at the rules to create their businesses and lives their way.
I got out of the 9-5 after 16 years. It destroyed my soul and made me depressed. REALLY depressed. I knew there HAD TO BE ANOTHER WAY TO LIVE MY LIFE.
I made my escape from the rat race and I refuse to march to the tune of someone else’s drum ever again. I’ve got 9 years experience in running my own businesses, and I’ve helped 1000’s of people with their business and life success. I am pretty no-nonsense and get straight to the point, but I do so with energy and humour. We haven't got time to waste, right?! x