It’s Monday morning, 5:59am as I write this. I’m one of those annoying people who LOVE Mondays. I look forward to Mondays. Sometimes Mondays can’t come around fast enough!
It’s a brand new week. Who knows what will happen! It feels like a big empty page ready to be filled. Of course, I didn’t always love Mondays. In fact I used to HATE them. Loathe them. Wished they didn’t exist. And if occurred to me last night that it’s NOT Mondays the we hate; it’s the things we are CHOOSING to do on Mondays that we hate!
Make no mistake, we ALWAYS have a choice. To think otherwise is a lie and it’s also insultingly unresponsible.
And we have that same choice with EVERYTHING we do. Everything.
So if we have the freedom of choice, why do we settle for less than the best?
Why do we simply not EXPECT THE BEST?
That goes for the work we do, the lifestyle we live, the relationships we keep, the money we have, the success we experience, the happiness we feel, the health we have… why would we settle for anything but THE BEST?!
Just because others around you are settling for less it doesn’t mean you have to as well. That’s being a sheep.
I truly believe that we are the average of the 5 people we spend the most time with. We are products of our environments. Choose those 5 people very wisely. Your life depends upon it! Mediocrity is contagious.
As long as I have enough to get by, that’s all that matters
And it was said in a this is all I should expect defeated get kinda way. Hell NO! How about you have MORE THAN ENOUGH to get by?
How dare you settle for less! Is that really acceptable to you? What kind of example of that is it you are setting to yourself, let alone other people in your life?
I’ve experienced NOT having enough, just getting by and MORE THAN ENOUGH. Can you guess which one I prefer?! That’s why I’ve created Make Money Your Bitch!
Lack of money, feeling not deserving of money, putting up with not enough money, feeling fear around money, SETTLING for less than the best when it comes to our finances…I see it every day. ENOUGH! It’s time to conquer money and set yourself FREE so you can get on with building up your life and your business and do what you are here to do! Work with me and I’ll help you to Make Money Your Bitch. Get all the juicy info, join here and get ready to Make Money YOUR Bitch!