Blessing, Burden, Passion, Pain

Blessing, Burden, Passion, Pain

Passion. Caring. The Big Picture.

URGH. It can drive us crazy sometimes, can’t it?!

It’s a blessing and a burden!

A blessing because it’s what drives us. It’s what makes us get up day after day and to do what it takes. It give us The PUSH to do this for YEARS on end and for as long as it takes. It’s what makes us reach out to help people in our unique ways.

And it’s a burden because ARGH!! It drives you mad sometimes! (And I think it helps to be a little insane when turning your back on a ‘normal’ life!). It can be tiring and frustrating and the relentlessness of it. It feels like a devil on your back, never giving you a break, never a let up.

I got fired up yesterday.

At first it was the thought that most people just don’t do what it takes to have what they want, because there can be pain involved. Growing pains if you like. You will be tested when you go full out to get where you want to be and only a few will withstand that pain to avoid another type of pain. Here are two examples that have popped into my head first;

  1. The day that changed my life and I walked out of my 9-5 without a plan. I woke up, couldn’t take it anymore and went into work, handed in my notice and walked away from it all. Because the pain of doing something that made me depressed and sucked the soul out of me finally become greater than the pain of not knowing what I would do. I took a risk that many won’t without knowing that it would be OK.
  2. The last 9 years of entrepreneurship and carving a life for myself. Talk about highs and lows and I’ve talked about them with you. The highs can be wonderful. The lows can be brutal. And painful. BUT I will choose the pain of going through what it takes to live life on MY TERMS over the PAIN of losing my freedom. IE Walking away because it gets hard sometimes and going back to a ‘normal’ life.

So, yes, at first I got fired up about people not doing what it takes. But then I got fired up EVEN MORE! When this happens I usually just deal with it myself and move on, but yesterday I thought I’d go and see who else felt like this! Who else got affected like this? (Surely, I’m not the only one, right?!). Who else can relate? And so I went into a private Facebook group I’m in and let rip!

And to hell with it, I’m sharing it with you.

1. Because I think it’s good to share our passion and why not?

2. I really want to know if YOU feel this way too (so let me know!).

3. It might put people off (I’ll tell you more about that in a minute).

Oh, and if grammar, full stops and spellings are your thing; look away now! 😀

No particular rhyme nor reason to this (or maybe there is) but do you (and I want to know who you are if you don’t mind!), ever get SO fired up about doing what you stand for, what you KNOW, what your MISSION is, what you are here to do, what (I’m starting to cry as I write this now dammit!) you can do to HELP people and EMPOWER them and you KNOW people can go and do SO much more, and be who they want, and DO what they want and live the life they want, and really do it ON THEIR TERMS (NO COMPROMISE), that it’s a physical feeling. My heart gets pulled. I feel ANGER when people don’t do what I KNOW they could do if they decided to. I want to stand on a mountain top and scream at the world – you have a choice! YOU are the creator! It’s ALL within you. And I want to shake the people, literally, and tell them to find their courage and commit to doing what it takes. DO WHAT IT TAKES. TODAY. NOW. Every day. Forever more. I can’t stand not being able to affect people as much as I know I can because THEY put limits on themselves. Where are the BRAVEST of brave people? Where are the ones who will go through hell and back and RISK IT ALL to have it ALL. I know they are out there, I just haven’t met them yet. Actually they will risk it all EVEN with NO guarantee that the ‘all’ is out there, but they are willing to spend their life trying anyway. THOSE are the people I want to help. I want to admire their courageousness and support them. I’m running out of steam now. I have all this anger and energy and I need to DO SOMETHING with it, but I know it’ll rise up again tomorrow. It always does and it won’t be satiated until I can reach, help, affect the lives of people who are truly ready for more, and a life on their terms.


And then I added.

It’s almost like I WANT to push people away. I want to challenge them. Today, I asked people to unsubscribe from my newsletter if they disagreed with me; one did. I asked on twitter for them to unfollow; 3 did. YAY! I want to shake everyone up and see who is left. THEY are the ones I want!

And that’s what it’s like. And yes, I DO want to reach more people and grow my audience etc, but at the same time, I’m not going to break my heart when people decide to leave. I WANT people to leave. I don’t want indifferent people. I want ‘all or nothing’ people. I want to help those that are willing to do the work. It’s a simple as that.

After I had got that off my chest, I pictured something that I want to have for those committed to their dreams and their goals. A small group who are willing to taking empowered action and who want my relentless support, day in and day out. I haven’t thought of a cool name for it yet, but that’s not important. What is important is helping people who are committed and who want my help;Life on their terms doing what they love, growing their businesses, making their own money and in turn, helping others. This is about going FLAT OUT, day in, day out, with super-accountability. Never mind the devil on my back! This is for those who want me to push them, bring out the best of them, crack the whip if necessary and be there every day. And in this vision there are just 10 people. I don’t know why that many or that few. It’s like a private club for the bravest of the brave, if you like. My inner circle of the bravest, boldest, (even if scared!), who are willing to do what it take to have what they want. Are you one of them? One of us? Get in touch with me any way you like, email, tweet me, catch me on FB. It doesn’t matter. The important thing is we talk.



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karen strunksABOUT Karen Strunks is a speaker and author and helps daring, rebellious, non-conforming women create a No Compromise life and business doing exactly what they love.

She left her ‘cubicle cage’ and made a break for freedom to follow her passions, to today, empowering women to step away from the norm, break the rules and follow their passions.

Her work has been featured in print, TV and radio such as The Guardian, BBC, Radio 4, Time Out NYC, The Telegraph, BBC Radio Wales, and she has worked with national and international brands.

Karen regularly speaks at conferences and lectures at universities on entrepreneurship, and about her story of leaving the 9-5 to pursue a life less ordinary. Come and join Karen's FREE community on Facebook; Rebel Business Bitches and pick up a FREE gift to help you create the life you want. YOUR way. Website | Twitter | Youtube | Facebook

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