1 Day….NOW!

1 Day....NOW!

I woke up this morning in a hazy panic from my deep dream and deep sleep and wondering what I would do if I only had ONE day left on earth!

I wondered what my legacy would be. Would I even HAVE a legacy as such?

And I wondered, what if I REALLY did have only one day left?!

What would I do, what would I say?

I would be worried that I hadn’t made an impact on the world and on the people I want to help. 

I would be worried that I didn’t state my message strongly enough. 

Or that I hadn’t reach enough people. 

I would want to leave the world with my message. What I believe deep inside. My truth. What I KNOW FOR SURE. 

If today were my last day, I’d spend it telling my ‘1 day’ message NOW.

What’s your ‘1 day’ message?

And are you telling it NOW?! Are you sharing it in your life and your work?!

If not, WHY NOT?

Do you think it’s too wild, too crazy, not good enough, no-one will listen, people will judge?!

Well, quite frankly, SO WHAT?!

Share that message NOW. Today! Like it IS your last day.

Affect people. Tell them what you believe in.

What is that truth deep inside of you?! What have you always known? What’s the truth that you have been born with? What’s the message you need to share that will affect people, help people, CHANGE PEOPLE’S LIVE?!

What do you want to shout out, ‘WAKE UP! YOU’VE GOT TO KNOW THIS’?!


‘Wake up!! You’ve GOT TO KNOW THIS!

You can do whatever the hell you like with your life!

You can Be YOU in everything you do.

You can be different, not fit in, go against the grain, rebel, be a square peg, a non-conformist and NOT be like everyone else and YOU MUST EMBRACE IT. It’s your RIGHT! Don’t hide it. Don’t repress yourself and your magnificence! Don’t you DARE!

You can SAY what you like; and the ones that don’t like it, don’t matter.

You can DO what you like; and anyone who doesn’t like that, can go to hell.

You can EMPOWER yourself now and never ask for anyone else’s permission to do so.

You can chose a life of FREEDOM at any time.

You can TRUST yourself completely when you tune into who you are and why you are here. Don’t try and drown out your calling with mindless activities and the wrong people.

You have COMPLETE control at all time. You have FULL RESPONSIBILITY for yourself. Does that sound scary? It isn’t. It’s POWERFUL. When you take FULL RESPONSIBILITY for everything that you have, who are you and what you do, YOUR LIFE WILL CHANGE.

You don’t have to live as if everyone around you is making up the rules for you life. YOU get to decide what the rules are for yourself!

You get to accept the people, the things that activities that make you FEEL GOOD and you get to REJECT the rest. Honestly. You are allowed to do that and have a say about it!

You are allowed to carve out the life that you want. Tune into exactly what it is that you DO really want and go from there. Make it happen. Create it. Bring it to life! Perhaps it will takes years, perhaps it will take a lifetime, but you will be SPENDING YOUR LIFE doing what you want and have the life of your design. Your life doesn’t (and shouldn’t!) look like everyone else’s.

Say NO to the mundane.

Say NO to the things that don’t light you up.

Say NO to the people who drag you down.

You won’t regret it, but you will regret the massive chunks of your PRECIOUS life on the time you spent pleasing the wrong people, delaying your dreams (or ignoring them altogether), trying to conform and fit in, being at everyone’s beck and call, the wasted YEARS of watching mindless tv and wasting your brain power, the wasted YEARS OF doing work that sucks the life out of you, having someone else dictate your waking time, you eating time and asking someone else for permission to have time off to do the things you love.

You will regret all that and MORE, but you can change things today. Right now. It’s your choice. It’s ALWAYS your choice.

Say YES to YOU! Always. Every single day. Do it.’

Will it be scary? YES!

Will it be testing? I guarantee it!

Will it be easy? Yes. And no.

Will it be worth it? Yes. Yes. YES!!

Whatever happens in your pursuit of a live on your terms, the good and the scary, doing what you LOVE, following your dreams and goals and ambitions and changing the world with YOUR unique message, it sure beats the opposite!

What is your ‘1 day’ message? Share it and live it. Empower yourself, other people and leave your legacy.

karen sig



PS. If you want my help to live your ‘1 day’ every day and create the life of your design and to do the work that you are called to do, then let’s get started now. If you would like to work with me as your success coach, then drop me an email karenstrunks@gmail.com and we will have a chat about how I can help you. x


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karen strunksABOUT Karen Strunks is a speaker and author and helps daring, rebellious, non-conforming women create a No Compromise life and business doing exactly what they love.

She left her ‘cubicle cage’ and made a break for freedom to follow her passions to today, empowering women to step away from the norm, break the rules and follow their passions.

Her work has been featured in print, TV and radio such as The Guardian, BBC, Radio 4, Time Out NYC, The Telegraph, BBC Radio Wales, and she has worked with national and international brands.

Karen regularly speaks at conferences and lectures at universities on entrepreneurship, and about her story of leaving the 9-5 to pursue a life less ordinary. Come and join Karen's FREE community on Facebook; Rebel Business Bitches and pick up a FREE gift to help you create the life you want. YOUR way. Website | Twitter | Youtube | Facebook

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