Happy Monday!
You do know that the hardest way to create your success is to over complicate things, don’t you?
Following your passion, calling, whatever you want to call it should be the DEFAULT way to live but society tries to rob us of that by trying to make us fit into their definition of success – and don’t get me started on THAT!
So when we AWAKEN to the possibility of being able to live fully following our hearts we over complicate things. I think this is often a hangover from stepping out of the norm, the norm where everything has rules to abide by and systems to follow. It can also be a lack of self-confidence; can it really be possible for me to do this?!
Here’s what I want you to do.
Instead of looking for the rules – make up your own.
Instead of looking for ways to complicate things – trust yourself.
Instead of forever search for The Answer – look within
Success can be SIMPLE.
Is it easy? I don’t think so. You’ll have challenges along the way for sure, and if you aren’t having those challenges, you aren’t getting out of your comfort zone!
You will have to be willing to die for your dreams.
You will have to be willing to take RISKS.
EVEN THEN, there are no guarantees – but hey, if you want guarantees then give up on your dreams and head back into society. They give you money every month for doing work you don’t like. You can help someone else build their dream. They will even give you a pension a the end, so you can then have the money to start following your dreams when you retire (if your dreams are still alive by then of course!).
Stop complicating things.
Stop over-thinking.
Success doesn’t come from timidity, it comes from a place of BEING.
I want you to look through everything you are doing in your business.
I want you to write down all the actions you are taking. Or even if you have a VA, write down all the actions they are taking.
I want you to write down all the thoughts you have about success
And I want you to challenge everything that you have written down.
Is your energy going towards ‘busy’ work that doesn’t really add up to a whole heap of success? It’s easy to hide behind ‘busy’ work. Been there, done that!
Cut out the crap that isn’t aligned with the success you want and who you want to be.
Clear the way.
Make the space.
For YOU. For your success.
Stop looking for the HOW and turn your attention to the BEING.
Success is SIMPLE. Allow it to be that way for YOU.
Ready to cut yourself free, follow your passions, call all the shots, have fully freedom over your life and earning potential and you want my help on your journey? Get in touch with me now. Don’t waste another day waiting. karenstrunks@gmail.com
Believe more is possible,
Laptop life!
I’m all installed in my latest laptop life home. It’s a 300 cottage in the Blackdown Hills. I’m way up high and the views are amazing. The house is about half a mile down a single track lane and there is an Aga cooker which is proving to be fun to cook on!
The sunrises are amazing. Nature is all around. I even saw a deer in the garden this morning!
This is a week of Getting Things Done. A more concentrated week than the last week where I had a few days out to the beach and to see the sea. Who knows, I may venture out if I feel like it, but right now I feel like giving my full attention to my passion; building my business and impacting change in people’s lives.
Karen x