Child Free By Choice – Birthing Creativity Into The World

Child Free By Choice - Birthing Creativity Into The World

Join myself and NATALIE CATHERINE as we discuss our child free choice.

We thought that the subject of being child free by choice was an interesting subject because it’s not that often discussed and we wanted to add our voices to the childfree conversation.

Sometimes there’s a sense that talking positively about being child-free is taboo. But the thing is, we all have the freedom of choice in how we live our lives, and one of those choices is in having a childfree lifestyle.

There is a presumption that women will want children. That’s just the way it is, right?

In this discussion we talk about how life can be very fulfilling without children.

If you have ever thought to yourself, ‘I don’t want kids’, or questioned yourself, ‘should I have kids?, then tune into this as Natalie and myself talk about why we don’t want to have children.

Other things on the subject of being child free by choice that we cover.

  • Conscious choices when it comes to a child-free choice.
  • Listening to your purpose and calling life and whether it truly includes child, or not.

We ask – is it unnatural to want a life without children? And is it selfish to be childfree?

We share out stories about the fear that other people attach to our child free lifestyle choice, the fear mongering, the shaming… and also the sanctimonious parents we’ve encounters 😉

Some say that being child free is wrong! What do you think about that?

If you choose not to have a child – or a partner in fact – what do you want to create instead?

Believe more is possible,

Child Free By Choice - Birthing Creativity Into The World



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