Today I want to share with you an authentic leadership example. I’m sharing this from my own experience and what I believe it takes to stand up and be an authentic leader.
It takes courage to lead, to speak your truth; it can be one of the scariest things you will ever do!
I had the opportunity to speak at an Inspire’d stage event last week.
I wanted to ‘walk my talk’ so to speak and stand up and talk about Mental Health Awareness, Suicide & Self-Harm particularly in relation to my experience this year where I got into a relationship that triggered thoughts of suicide and self-harm via heartbreak.
So today I want to share with you how, and why, the thought of suicide and self-harm crossed my mind this year and the important of living and speaking your truth.
Thank you to Inspire’d stage for the opportunity to speak and share my story.
If you would like me to coach you in becoming the strong leader you were born to be so you can be seen and heard and help others along the way, then email me at and let’s talk. I’d love to help you. x