Rejecting Worldly Expectations: Embrace Your Unique Calling

Rejecting Worldly Expectations: Embrace Your Unique Calling

Reject the ways of the world.

Throughout your life, you’ll be bombarded with expectations – from teachers, parents, relatives, media, and society at large. However, there comes a point when you must let it all fall away, shed the opinions of others, and realise that your life and calling is your own.

Tune into your reason for being.

You will never be able to please everybody.

There will always be someone who disapproves of you, someone who thinks you are too much or not enough. There will always be critics.

Remember, sometimes the loudest voices are the most misguided.

Your job, as someone with a God-given purpose, is to let the noise become silent and let the opinions of those who do not understand you fall to the ground like dust.

Besides, no one can understand your journey like you do. Even if you feel you don’t understand it all that well yourself, God has placed a calling on your heart.

The beauty and joy of life lie in figuring it all out. Although it’s a cliché, it’s true: it’s not the destination that matters, but the journey itself. You will meet obstacles and encounters that will try to take you off your path, distract you, and diminish you, your part is to be willing to navigate them and stay true to your calling.

Remember, the purpose for your life is far greater than anyone who tries to pull you down or to tell you how to live you life.

If you want my help in forging a life of purpose on your terms, then book a call with me today and let me help you do the work you are here to do!

Believe more is possible,

Karen 🔥

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