Let’s Work So We Can PLAY?
When I had jobs, and wasn’t doing the work I am here to do, and I was putting up with awkward colleagues (you know what I mean, right?!), I saw WORK as WORK and PLAY as PLAY Two TOTALLY different…
When I had jobs, and wasn’t doing the work I am here to do, and I was putting up with awkward colleagues (you know what I mean, right?!), I saw WORK as WORK and PLAY as PLAY Two TOTALLY different…
So I was just sitting in my steamed up car after my rainy walk today and I wanted to talk about who I work with and also ask you if you are taking FULL ownership of the clients you want…
I’m running some FREE training next week and I want YOU to be on it if you are ready to FINALLY take the leap from working in someone else’s empire to BUILDING YOUR OWN EMPIRE! Enough thinking. It’s time for…
It’s vital that if we are going to go to all the trouble of creating a life and business on our terms, we all allow ourselves the full opportunity to express ourselves. We are the boss now after all! And…
It’s time to accelerate your success! Introducing my NEW 4 week coaching intensive starting on 26th October; ACCELERATE. Limited places. If you are ready to ramp up your success, then check it out! You want massive results and you want them now, Goddammit!…