
What does your digital footprint say about you?

What does your digital footprint say about you?

  That’s what AVG has been thoroughly researching over two years with the help of thousands of parents, kids and young adults from 11 countries.  Their research, AVG Digital Diaries, has been broken down into six stages: Stage one –…

Does your online community really need managing?

Does your online community really need managing?

Does it? Really? Or does your community needs nurturing, supporting, communication, interaction? I use the term community manager here and there on my online profiles, only because it seems that it’s the term that people and businesses recognise and relate…

4am Project photography collaboration – Nov 2012

The 25th November marked the date for another 4am Project world wide photography collaboration! I invited bleary eyed photographer with an eye for early morning images to set their alarm clocks and take part in this global project. Read my…

4am Project report from a soggy Nottingham!

I was commissioned to organise a 4am Project walk in Nottingham last weekend. I did my preparation and promotion, but there is one thing that I didn’t have control over – the weather! Did it rain?!?! It didn’t stop! I…