Stop pussy-footing around and start standing out online

Stop pussy-footing around and start standing out online

Since I’ve been online and using social media and running my businesses the landscape has change so much.

Sometimes you have to run to try and keep up!

The things that worked online a year ago, or even 6 months ago, just don’t have the same effect. Plus it seems like EVERYBODY is online doing their thing, running their online businesses, building stand-out blogs, running their own tv shows on youtube with a million followers. And that’s is FANTASTIC! We should celebrate every single one of those people who are doing their own thing.

In fact, there is NEVER a better time than now for us to do what we want we want to do and create what we want. We’ve got all the tools at our finger tips and they are practically all free too!

If you’ve got an idea, go for it!

Simple eh?!

Well, yes, in some ways, absolutely!

And no in other ways (sorry to break it to you) because you’ve gotta get some things in place, but luckily the are all do-able!

I’m talking about getting back to basics and learning how to use tech if you are a complete beginner, and even getting over that fear of being judged when you put yourself out there. Sometimes you can feel quite vulnerable at first. Then you’ve just gotta go for it and put your time and effort, ideas and energy behind what ever it is you’ve decided to do!

how are you going to stand out

How are you going to avoid being lost in the noise?

What are the ‘tricks’ to being successful online and reaching your audience and getting noticed?

What the hell do you have to do to get people to notice you?!

You can employ every social media and online pieces of advice about how to grow you audience, how to engage new people, how to market yourself and your business, how to use twitter effectively, when to update facebook, how to get more subscribers on youtube, why you should blog every day, why you should blog twice a month, what to pin and where to pin it, and the 5 ways to you can become an instagram star overnight. Whew!

You can do all those things, and seriously, they are all part of being online and reaching your audience, so try things out and see what works and be open to learning more about the how-to’s of being online and check out all the training there is out there.

But if you’ve got business goals and you want to reach a larger audience AND stand-out and get noticed, you’ve got to step things up in order to keep-up and it isn’t enough just to take all the actions above if you don’t INJECT YOU into everything!

THAT’S how you are going to stand out. That’s how you are going to get noticed. That’s how you will attract the right people to you, and even repel the wrong people! You don’t want the wrong ‘uns!

This isn’t about being someone you’re not.

This is about being YOU!

Don’t play it small.

If you are loud and gregarious. Be that!

If you are quiet and softly spoken. Be that!

The online landscape demands more from us if we want to share our skills, talents and passions with the world. We can’t get away with playing ‘us’ down or being a water-downed version of ourselves.

I want you to think about the times when you could have done more, or said more. Or you had a chance to really put your opinion out-there but you held back because you didn’t want to be judged. Or you had something so good that you could have shared and helped people with, but you had second thoughts about it and put it on hold.

Forget that!

Besides, when you put 100% you into what you do, it’s really liberating! And fun! Try it. You’ll see.

It might not be easy at first. You might still feel yourself holding back and resisting but get used to pushing past that.

It gets easier, I promise!

I’ve been taking my own advice lately and putting even more of ‘me’ into everything I do. I actually thought I’d always done that, but do you know what, there is room for more me lol. So that’s what I’ve been doing, especially in the last month or so.

Do you know what? There is a shift. People have noticed. People are commenting. Friends are questioning.  They can’t quite put their finger on what’s changed but they are reacting to it. And other stuff has happened as a result too. I seem to be on the radar of a new audience and being noticed by people that I really respect and admire and look up to. Coincidence? Perhaps, but I don’t think so.

So to hell with resistance!

Heck – I even hesitated about putting my first ebook out there! I’d written about this very subject. It started out as an mp3 series for my newsletter members only and then I turned it into a book. Then I didn’t publish it straight away.


So, here it is.

8 Secrets To Playing It BIG In Life & Business.

8 secrets to playing it big in life business by k strunks


Ready for a super-injection of inspiration? This book delivers a shot of motivation for your business and life success!

As well as looking at all the ways you have right now that will help you succeed, I’m also going to show you ways to have the confidence to create the life you love and do the work you are passionate about.

If you dread Mondays, I’ll show you ways to fall in love with them again.

Do you want a remedy for dealing negative people? I’ve got you covered.

Discover ways that will help you have amazing resilience to (pretty much) anything life can throw at you.

We will also dive into how to position yourself for opportunities and……how to predict the future. I know! Who doesn’t want to do that?!

Get help with staying on track when it comes to reaching for your goals and dreams. No excuses!

Do you feel like other people sometimes have too much control over you life and work?

I’ll be revealing one of my most personal stories with you – the day that changed my life.

I’ll also be sharing the mistakes I made when I first started doing the work I love, and how you can avoid doing the same thing. That will save your sanity as well as time and energy!

You can get your copy here! 

And you won’t believe it. Well, I can’t anyway haha. Amazon Kindle book no.3 is about to come out! So stay tuned for that.

I’ve also been working on the next launch for the Big Daring Business Academy and the doors are OPEN! Whooohooo!

Have a super-awesome day, and remember, put more YOU into everything you do! 🙂 x

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