If there’s one thing I know about success in life and business it’s that it ain’t gonna happen if you don’t MAKE it happen. I’m talking ACTION all the way. No Excuse.
But not just any old action (though SOME action is better than NO action). It’s got to be the action that FEELS GOOD. Not action that you think you should. Or action that someone else does and that seems like a good idea. I’m talking about action based truly on YOU and your precise business and life goals.
I LOVE a brand new year. I get more excited about the new year than I do Christmas (and sometimes even my own birthday!). It’s as good a time as any to decide on what you want to do and HOW you are going to do it.
This is a message that I put out this morning.
Have you decided on your goals, your immediate focus, what your ideal days will look like, who you will work with, when you will work, how much money you want, how you are going to get it? What are you going to start doing? What are you going to stop doing?
I’m getting set to take 2015 by storm. Up levelling, done deal. More money, it’s in the bank. Fantastic clients, loving them. Are you in, or out?
And that’s my question to you? Are you in, or are you out? Are you going to be an active participant in 2015 or a bystander where things just happen to you?
What is your plan for having 2015 pan out exactly how you want it to? It’s TOTALLY possible for you to have what it is you want. You simply have to start by making the decision that you want it and you are going to have it.
If I can do it, SO CAN YOU! I haven’t got anything you haven’t. In the past 7 years I’ve created a life out of my passions. From photography, to social media to speaking, teaching, life & business coaching to leading. During this time I’ve worked with global brands, spoken at conferences with 400+ guests, lived the laptop life, hosted an overseas event, had multiple $8k days, attracted clients from around the world and helped individuals quit their jobs and create a life of FREEDOM.
And I’ve done it with NO safety net, no plan B, at times no bank account cushion, and no partner. And I’ve done it with NO EXCUSES.
Like I said. If I can do it, so can you.
I can’t promise it’s always easy, but it’s always worth it. To live a life following your passions is the stuff that 99% of people just dream of. I hope you are made of more than that. I KNOW deep down you are because you are here and you are reading this. Or maybe you are like me and FULL OUT telling the world to watch out because you ain’t EVER GOING TO STOP going for what you want!
So. 2015. What does it have in store for you? Don’t say ‘I don’t know’, because DO know if you have decided what it has in store for you.
Yesterday, and it’s the same today, I’ve got paper, pens, calendars, spread sheets, and I’m spending time with my 2015 goals. Planning for success? You can put money on it. 2014 has been awesome (big end of year review coming soon!), but 2015 is going to top that. BIG goals.
Maybe you’ve got big goals too. Maybe 2015 is the year when you make a deal with yourself that now is your time to MAKE IT HAPPEN.
I’m holding open FOUR places for ‘ready for success’ action takers to work with me in the first week of January. We will work together in a one-off 2 hour coaching session to create your plan of ACTION for 2015. I’m talking about where you want to be, what you need to do, HOW you are going to do it. We will plan it, map it out and I’ll be sharing everything I know about creating success on YOUR TERMS.
If that’s something you want to do right now, then email me karenstrunks@gmail.com and I’ll send you over all the details and we can get you set for success in 2015!
Let’s make it happen! And make it happen now!
Karen x