Yesterday I spent the day with 11 other female entrepreneurs locked in a room at the W Hotel in London. We were there to learn and up-level our businesses. Some ladies were just starting out with a seed of an idea, some you could say had ‘made it’, some had made it, lost it all and were building it back up again, some were reaching their goals, some were struggling, and there was everything in between.
Here’s what I learned
That no matter what level of success you have achieved already, you will still have doubts and fears and hesitation. You will doubt yourself and try to second guess yourself.
That failure is simply part of success. You can’t have success without experiencing failures. Your success is BUILT on failures. You have to figure out what works for YOU by knowing what DOESN’T work.
That we get stuck on wanting to know the systems, and the rules and THE ANSWER, when really, the answer is within us. We can build our businesses ANY DAMN WAY we please! There is no ONE right way only YOUR right way.
That, no matter the business, we all want the same thing; to be able to follow our passions, help people by doing that, make money and have FREEDOM.
You can take action on ideas REALLY quickly on ideas. There’s no reason to store them away to come back to another day (when the energy and inspiration has probably dissipated!).
That you need to develop the tenacity and the I’m-never-giving-up-ability to enable you to keep going day after day. Even when you don’t feel like it. Even when people don’t seem to want what you are offering. Even when the money isn’t flowing how you like. Even when you just don’t FEEL like it today. Even when people around you think you are a little bit crazy. Even when you don’t have the support you need. Even when…… You KEEP GOING ANYWAY.
Always remember to believe more is possible.