I’m sending this from the W hotel in London where I am meeting a client to who has flown in from Germany to spend the day with me working on business and life creation on HER terms. Talk about action taking. This is what I LOVE!
I caught an early train to the city and as the stations ticked by and commuters took their seats the atmosphere got heavier and heavier as people were dragging themselves into jobs that they don’t like. Okay, maybe not everyone, but I bet about 90%!
I got to thinking about life and freedom and what it means to have freedom to do what you want every day and to NOT spending precious life doing things you DON’T want to do and I came up with these 6 Measures Of FREEDOM. These are based on MY personal freedom measures and achievements. I’d love to know YOURS!
1. You can get up when you want to! (okay, I had to get up at 4am for today, but that’s MY CHOICE!) No more setting the alarm clock because of someone else’s agenda. You get to chose when you wake up every day. Hell, if you don’t like the alarm clock, don’t have one! When you fill your days with the things that excite you, you will naturally want to wake up early and start the day!
2. You can start the day however you like. There’s no rush or hurry because someone else is calling the shots. YOU get to plan your morning and how it goes. How do you want to spend the first hours of your day? Meditating, reading, writing, exercising, having sex, or diving straight into your work? Whatever. YOU get to chose.
3. You are in absolute charge of who you have in your life. No negative friends that drag you down. No miserable relatives that drive you mad. No clients from hell. You don’t have to have anyone in your life who doesn’t raise you up.
4. You have freedom of expression and you are gonna use it! You express yourself with out fear, without hesitation. Isn’t it your right to be you?! (YES IT IS!) and you chose that freedom every minute of the day. No playing it small. No hiding in the corner. You take up your space in this world and claim it as yours!
5. You make money how you want to. You don’t trade your time earning money doing activities that you don’t like. You get paid to be you and do the things you LOVE.
6. You don’t follow anyone else’s rules but your own. You know it’s better to make your own rules than to follow other people’s, and the fewer limits you have on your life the better!