A message for wage slaves

A message for wage slaves

You have probably heard the term Wage Slave. It’s when you give over you life in return for a wage. You aren’t a FULL slave as you are allowed a modicum of freedom in the form of ‘time off’ from your duties.

It’s being a part-time slave to a master.

And it’s so cleverly disguised because the system, society, is set up in a way that it seems a perfectly natural way to live. ‘Everybody’ does it, so if everyone else is doing it, you have the consensus of the masses and therefore it must be OK!

Slavery by consent.

Now I’m sure you don’t agree in slavery. We all know of the not so distant past history of slavery – and in fact there is slavery happening NOW. In those days people were SOLD into slavery.

Today; we RENT ourselves out. We swap HUGE (face it, calculate how much of your LIFE!) chunks of our precious lives giving away our time on earth to do the work the master commands.

This system trains us NOT to be FREE THINKERS. It trains us into believing that in return for a wage, and to volunteer parts of our lives, we’ll be ‘taken care of’; we can pay our rent and pay for 2 weeks holiday a year.

This system doesn’t EMPOWER us to be who we were truly meant to be. It destroys our natural FREEDOM that we are all born with. In the end we believe that FREEDOM and creativity are for other people. It becomes so much EASIER to stay put and shut-up and put-up and pretend that everything is GREAT, than to RISE UP and break-free!

Today, people are celebrating the fact that it is Friday.

Imagine living 52 weeks a year with a day that gives cause for celebration? And another 52 days where Mondays are mourned?

But that’s what I did for 16 years! And that’s what many people do now. Is that YOU? 

It’s exhausting and stressful and it’s CRAZY when there is an alternative!

YOU DON’T HAVE TO ACCEPT IT! This is your wake-up call.

Do you want to make the break from FULL-time to FREEDOM?!  Then get instant access to my LIFE CHANGING programme now.

from_full_time_to_free_timeIt’s totally possible for you to call ALL the shots. I’ll show you how.

Laptop life update! 

Yesterday marked 6 weeks since I hit the road staying in luxury properties around the UK! I wasn’t sure where my adventure would lead me and because of the unplanned nature of it I’ve seen parts of the country I would never have ordinarily have seen.

It’s mostly been very rural country life – at the moment I’m on a farm! But this location is only 3 miles to a town centre (in the last place I stayed it was 3 miles to a little shop!).

However, it’s all about to change again. I’m heading back to the city on Sunday and back to Birmingham for a week and then I’m heading to LONDON for 2 weeks!

I’m READY for city life right now. I feel the countryside is softening my edges. I need the energy of city life, the sharp edges, the PEOPLE! As hermit-like as I am, I am ready to mix and mingle.

Whilst I’m in London I will be offering 2 VIP full days and 2 half-days. This is time that we spend 1:1 together, (in 5* luxury I might add!) where we open you up to the REAL possibilities for your life. This is a no-holds barred, NO LIMITS day where you and I are in CREATION-mode DESIGNING your ideal life and business and how you can have it ALL on YOUR terms. 

Let’s make your dreams a reality! I haven’t officially announced these days yet, so if you are a ‘HELL YES, Karen’, get in touch with me now! email karenstrunks@gmail.com or PM me on FB or DM me on twitter and let’s get it booked in. I’m in London from 18th – 2nd May.
A message for wage slaves

Believe MORE is possible!

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karen strunksABOUT Karen Strunks is a speaker and author and helps daring, rebellious, non-conforming women create a No Compromise life and business doing exactly what they love.

She left her ‘cubicle cage’ and made a break for freedom to follow her passions. Today she is empowering women to step away from the norm, break the rules and follow their passions.

Her work has been featured in print, TV and radio such as The Guardian, BBC, Radio 4, Time Out NYC, The Telegraph, BBC Radio Wales, and she has worked with national and international brands.

Karen regularly speaks at conferences and lectures at universities on entrepreneurship, and about her story of leaving the 9-5 to pursue a life less ordinary. Come and join Karen's FREE community on Facebook; Rebel Business Bitches and pick up a FREE gift to help you create the life you want. YOUR way. Website | Twitter | Youtube | Facebook

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