


This is what I live for. And helping other women achieve the same. FREEDOM The kind of freedom where you call ALL the shots. The kind of freedom where you are financially independent. The kind of freedom where you truly get…

What I've Learned From 10 Years In Business

What I’ve Learned From 10 Years In Business

2016 was a damn good year. It was also the year I celebrated being in business for 10 years. TEN YEARS! I can’t quite believe it. What a journey! There’s a life you experience when you follow your passions that…

Hello 2017!

Hello 2017!

HAPPY NEW YEAR!! I’m so excited to meet 2017! What do you want to fill this year with? Whatever it is, you can do it. You can do WHATEVER you set your mind to. You are so capable, so much…

How do you define success?

How do you define success?

How do you define success? What do we mean by success? How is success judged? Is it what the world tell us about success? Is it what our friends tell us about success? Is success being able to live by…

Technicolor Living - And some changes are a-coming!

Technicolor Living – And some changes are a-coming!

Technicolor Living was on my mind this morning as I woke up on a dull, rainy morning here in the UK after a night of technicolor dreams. What does Techicolor Living mean? It means living in FULL EXPRESSION of yourself; who you…