
I used to wake up and want to die

I used to wake up and want to die

Every morning, before I do anything else, I get out my big, red notebook and start writing my morning pages. (If you haven’t heard of this practice, then start doing it asap, it’s life changing and an amazing way to set…

The only true measure of success...

The only true measure of success…

Inspiration can strike at anytime and yesterday I was in the glamorous location of a super-market car park (I take you to all the best places!), but one of the things I’ve build my success on is ACTING on that…

Creating your life of freedom

Creating your life of freedom

The key thing to remember when creating your life of freedom is to keep your focus on the things that you DO WANT, and to stop focusing on the things that you DON’T WANT. This is such a simple concept, but…

Are you a deliberate designer?

Are you a deliberate designer?

You are the deliberate designer of your life, whether you realise it or not. It’s is possible, and in fact, it’s absolutely crazy not to, take control of how your life goes, how it’s designed, what it looks like, how…

The basis of life is freedom

The basis of life is freedom

I believe that the basis of life is FREEDOM. We are born free, and we have infinite possibilities about how we get to live our lives. Freedom is the driving force for what I do; for myself and others. It’s…