Want to make more money? Do these 4 things

Want to make more money? Do these 4 things

Happy Monday! Here’s to an incredible week for all of us this week!


The measure of your wealth is the measure of how you have connected with people emotionally.

Money IS emotion.

We spend our money based on how it makes us FEEL. How what we are buying makes us FEEL. No matter the item. Think about anything you have bought and go straight to the feeling behind it.

It’s the same with people buying from YOU.

You must, must, must connect with people emotionally. Whether they spend money with you or not is all down to how they will feel.

When you are selling you are selling emotion. An energy. It’s an emotional and energetic exchange.

It’s less about WHAT you sell, but how it makes someone FEEL.

If people aren’t buying from you, or you aren’t making the money that you want, look at ways you can connect with people’s emotions and how you make them FEEL.

I do this first and foremost by being myself and putting my all into everything I do. Put your ALL into anything you create and sell. 

I also BELIEVE in what I sell and I know the knowledge and experience I have is priceless. Don’t sell anything you don’t believe in and haven’t experienced results in. 

The language that I use is PASSIONATE! Because I am passionate. I WANT people to get the results they are capable of and I tell people, passionately, about the solution to their problem I provide. Does your sales copy make people want to yawn, or does it get them excited because of the passion you have put into it?

I tell stories. I share my experiences of life, business, money, success, what’s worked, what hasn’t worked. I leave nothing out. Be open about your life, your experiences, your feelings, your beliefs – that’s BIG FREAKING emotional connection right there! 

Now, go and create that emotional connection, and if you want my help in making sales, setting yourself FREE to be yourself every day, your confidence, your products and services, get your offerings aligned with exactly who you are and what you stand for and how to confidently ask for the money that you want, then get in touch with me now as I am opening up ONE place for a HALF DAY SALES INTENSIVE on Saturday 11th June either ONLINE or in BIRMINGHAM.

This place will go today, so if you want my help in making more sales and more money, then email karenstrunks@gmail.com, or PM me on facebook, and let’s get your success locked in! 

Laptop Life Update! 

A few days ago I asked the Universe to deliver something wonderful and unexpected to me – I often ask for what I want like this – and I get it!

The next day I was setting off to go to a place called Slimbridge to visit my mum on her birthday….

Want to make more money? Do these 4 things
….and I took a wrong turn and got stuck on a straight road for a few miles and I was looking for a turning place.

Then a saw a road appear and I took my opportunity to drive in and turn around but as I approached it was the entrance to a park. Curiosoity made me drive up the half-mile long and steep hill to a car park. Curiosity made me park up and get out of my car to explore the area a little and I was REWARDED with views so beautiful that tears came to my eyes.

Want to make more money? Do these 4 things

Check out the video of the view! I made this little video as tears were streaming down my face and I wrote in Rebel Business Bitches

“Sitting here with tears in my eyes. Because of the beauty. Because I have worked & created my dream life & I have absolute freedom in my life making money from my calling. Because I’m grateful for all the friends/clients who I am able to help create the lives they want. Because of sadness that not everyone will experience their full potential because they think its for other people or its too good to be true. Is it hard? Yes, and you have to be willing to go through YOUR trials. Is it worth it? YES.”

I think the Universe definitely delivered on something wonderful and unexpected!

It’s my last few days in Cheltenham before I head to the next spot on my laptop life. It’s a place I’ve already been to, so you may recognise it if you have been following my adventures since they began in February!

I thought I’d map my laptop life. I’m kinda losing track! Red = been there, done that. Green = coming up!

Want to make more money? Do these 4 things

Note: Don’t be apathetic about your success. The life, the business, the money, the happiness, the lifestyle that you want, can be yours.

Be sure to come on over to Snapchat where I am snapping how I run my online business, and live a laptop life and of course, make money. I’m karenstrunks on there!

Want to make more money? Do these 4 things

Believe more is possible!

karen sig


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karen strunksABOUT Karen Strunks is a speaker and author and helps daring, rebellious, non-conforming women create a No Compromise life and business doing exactly what they love.

She left her ‘cubicle cage’ and made a break for freedom to follow her passions. Today she is empowering women to step away from the norm, break the rules and follow their passions.

Her work has been featured in print, TV and radio such as The Guardian, BBC, Radio 4, Time Out NYC, The Telegraph, BBC Radio Wales, and she has worked with national and international brands.

Karen regularly speaks at conferences and lectures at universities on entrepreneurship, and about her story of leaving the 9-5 to pursue a life less ordinary. Come and join Karen's FREE community on Facebook; Rebel Business Bitches and pick up a FREE gift to help you create the life you want. YOUR way. Website | Twitter | Youtube | Facebook

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