It can be common for a survivor of a toxic relationship to feel sympathy for the person who abused them. This is often because the perpetrators pick those who are empathetic and feel a full range of emotions deeply; this is how you become trauma bonded to them and why it can make it very hard for you to leave.
I know how that feels, but let me remind you that feeling sympathy for the one who abused you is a misuse of your precious energy. That energy should be directed back into YOU, and your healing and recovery.
Your abuser will likely be onto his next victim by now without a second thought to you and your recovery, and he may even feel that he is the victim (there were an exceptionally large number of people that had done my ex ‘wrong’ I realised).
Save yourself, heal yourself, and make yourself the no.1 priority now.
If you want my help in breaking free from, or finally shutting the door on a toxic relationship, then I invite you to join my new course starting on 1st October
Over 30 days I am going to help you break free from toxic masculinity, recover from its harmful effects, reclaim your heart and create a new vision for your life.
Super-early-bird offer on for a limited time. £37 (£57 after). Payment plan available.

Karen ❤️