
Are you at risk of CONFORMING?!

Are you at risk of CONFORMING?!

I want to ask you to check-in with yourself to make sure you aren’t conforming to someone else’s ideal. Sometimes you may want the respect or admiration of someone you look up to and so you bend to their ideals….

There is no-one who is superior to you

There is no-one who is superior to you

Let’s talk about limits. We all have them! One of the most paralysing limits you can have is to give power to other people to stop you doing what you want to do. How does this manifest? You find yourself…

How to predict your experience of life

How to predict your experience of life

How many times have you wished you had a crystal ball to look into so you could see a glimpse of the future? Well, fortunately, you don’t need a crystal ball to predict your experience of life. All you need…

Change your energy to change your results!

Change your energy to change your results!

Do you want to harness the power of your energy so that you can get the results that you want? You are giving out energy, aka vibrations, day and night. I know that when my energy is low, then pretty…

I can. I will. And how to spot fear talk.

I can. I will. And how to spot fear talk.

“I can’t!” used to be practically my middle name. I remember my Mum getting annoyed with my defeatist attitude. Her reply would be, “There’s no such thing as can’t!” “YES THERE IS!” Ha. How things have changed. One of the reasons…